Amy's Story

When Amy joined the programme in 2018 she was a quiet, shy girl with fragile peer relationships, low confidence and a vague interest in football. She was lacking aspiration and felt inferior in many of her classes. Her home life was turbulent but the school was unaware. It wasn’t until FBB’s provision of a safe space that safeguarding issues were able to come to light and all parties could work closely to support her, and prevent any longer-term harm to Amy’s wellbeing and attainment.
Over the past three years, Amy has flourished. She developed a close friendship group with her FBB teammates, which influenced her positively when it came to her school work. Her level of self-awareness now is incredible: she often reflects that she has evolved from a quiet, timid and pessimistic young girl to a confident, sociable, motivated and driven young woman.
Weekly 1:1 catch ups with FBB practitioners have been integral in providing her a space to express her feelings about home and develop strategies to manage them particularly during the Covid-19 lockdown.
FBB has ignited Amy’s passion for art and through life-changing opportunities over the past three years. She has participated in workshops with top fashion designers, styled the Nike Women’s World Cup kits and presented her work to an audience of over 200 people!

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