Impact & Policy


of our young people finished the year in school


young people are currently on the FBB programme


projects are being delivered this academic year


more likely for our young people to pass their English and maths GCSEs than those excluded to alternative provision

The past 2 years have been tumultuous, with young people spending a huge amount of time out of school. Those involved in education have worked tirelessly to ensure young people are attending school when it has been safe to do so, and have been able to access learning while schools have been closed. If the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is that young people need to be in school and that their education is key to their development. Whether it be for academic, economic or social and emotional reasons, the fact is clear enough, as a society we have really grasped the importance of keeping young people in school.

The impact of exclusion is clear, both for individuals and for wider social mobility. Analysis of those reaching the end of Key Stage 4 shows just 7% of young people who were permanently excluded went on to achieve good passes in English and Maths GCSEs.

Only 18% of young people who received multiple fixed period exclusions also went on to achieve good passes in English and maths GCSEs. The data is clear: an exclusion has a significantly negative impact on a young person’s attainment (DFE 2018).

You can download our 2023-24 Impact report here.

Success in English and maths GCSEs

  • 51% of our programme graduates achieved a level 4 or above in their English and maths GCSEs.

  • This compares to 5% of young people who are excluded into alternative provision.

Preventing school exclusions

  • 97% of our young people finished the year in school.
  • 3 out of 5 of our young improved their behaviour in school.
  • 75% of our young people saw a reduction in the number of suspensions they received over the course of the year.

Social and Emotional Learning Skills and mental wellbeing

  • 7 out of 10 of our young people will see their Social and Emotional Learning skills improve with FBB. SEL skills usually decline as young people go through adolescence (OECD research).

  • Wellbeing improvements were similar to those observed for UK adults moving from being unemployed to employment (The University of Manchester, Pro Bono Economics and #BeeWell analysis 2024).
    2 out of 3 of our young people will see their mental wellbeing improve or stabilise.
    This was recognised by the University of Sussex and the innovation foundation Nesta, who conducted an independent review of our impact and concluded that our programme “shows a statistically significant improvement in overall social and emotional skills over time”.

Attitude to Learning

  • Students who have received a year of support from FBB have a stronger attitude to learning than students who have not received any FBB support. FBB has the most impact young people’s

  • Attitudes to attendance (which is highly correlated with actual school attendance) and their

  • Perceived learning capability (which is highly correlated with pupils being at risk of behavioural difficulties).

Our Publications

The Football For Good Gameplan

The World Cup is over and has been talked about as much for a range of social issues as it has for the football itself. Human rights records, corruption, the impact of the tournament on the climate and LGBTQ+ inclusion have all been central themes - casting a cloud over the jewel in the football calendar. During the tournament, Football Beyond Borders and Common Goal brought together the football industry in London to ask: what could football’s role be in solving some of society’s biggest social problems? Workshops at the Football For Good Summit enabled attendees to co-create The Football For Good Gameplan. The Football For Good Gameplan is a report from the summit, and a guide on how football can be used to tackle some of society’s biggest issues.


Therapists in Tracksuits

Following over two years of delivering therapeutic interventions to young people across our Football Beyond Borders (FBB) school programmes, this research project worked directly to understand the experiences of young people in order to identify factors that generated engagement and subsequent impact.



Why in the lead up to this pandemic, and even throughout it, do we (England) continue to exclude young people from mainstream education at alarming rates?


City of Nations

Forty young people across three schools were tasked with exploring what it means to be a young Londoner, what football and the World Cup means to them and their community and notions of multiculturalism and identity in a City of Nations.


What Makes a Man

What makes a man? This was the question we posed to a group of year 8 boys at the Totteridge Academy in North London. This book is the product of our exploration into unpacking and answering this question with them.


Her Stories

This book is the moment for teenage girls to reclaim their narratives, centre themselves and present their stories to the world, in their terms. It is their worlds in their voices, accompanied by the women who have played integral roles in their lives. It is the story of their relationships, and of shared womanhood that cuts across two or three generations.


Beyond Lockdown

During lockdown, Football Beyond Borders (FBB) travelled the country, meeting young people outside their homes to discover the impact that the lack of school was having. The result is a stunning photographic record of our nation’s school children through this dramatic period.


Squad Goals

The Marsden Heights Girls started their journey by saying what being a girl means to them. As part of FBB's 'Squad Goals' scheme of learning. They have spoken about how they want to change society and how they feel about criticism. This makes their squad strong and united.

Football Beyond Borders young person smiling
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By making a donation to FBB, you'll be supporting the essential work we do with thousands of young people across the UK each year.
