Therapeutic Practice
Long-term trusting relationships and emotional investment in an adolescent's life can create the positive and necessary change needed to create a successful transition into adulthood.
The current need
Alongside 80% cuts to children and families services over the past decade, young people today are also heavily impacted by the compounding effects of:
The CAMHS threshold being too high
Squeezed school budgets
COVID multiplying the need for support

We know that disenfranchised and socially marginalised groups don’t engage with traditional therapeutic support in the way in which it is currently offered. ‘Refusing therapy can be a way to claim some autonomy whilst protecting status and self-image’ It’s clear that class, race and gender, in the context of structural inequality and differential social experiences, are instrumental in the therapy setting for building trust and “resonance”. This is why FBB is passionate about pioneering a new approach. We increase access to therapeutic interventions for young people through having skilled, trained and culturally competent practitioners.

we need a new approach
The current traditional offering is clinical and short term
The lack of cultural competency
There is little multi-layered or wrap around support
We believe a young person's challenge isn’t always internal, it can exist across the multi-layered sphere that constructs their contextual environment; be it governmental policy cutting youth service provisions, or mass media promoting sexualised behaviour in adolescents, right down to the relationship they hold with their teachers and peers.
Our programme is built on the following four theoretical foundations:
Attachment Theory
Adolescent Neuroscience
Developmental Trauma
Humanistic Therapy

This is implemented alongside how we work with young people:
Creative and relational methods
Early intervention at KS3 level through long term, year long sessions
Culturally competent practitioners
Child-lead play-based principles
Systemic practice - working with all the key agencies and relationships in a young person’s life

Help us improving young people's lives
By making a donation to FBB, you'll be supporting the essential work we do with thousands of young people across the UK each year.