Fundraiser of the Week: Miranda Porritt

Throughout the Euros and our Football For The Future campaign, we will be highlighting a supporter who's gone above and beyond to raise money to support the work of FBB. 🎉 This week's supporter is none other than the extraordinary Miranda Porritt. 🙌🏽Miranda has been helping FBB ever since the unfortunate passing of her son Freddie. Freddie was extremely passionate about Football and Miranda wanted to keep his legacy going by supporting a football charity that could change young people's lives. When Miranda met the FBB family, she was amazed by the young people's passion, energy and intelligence which motivated her amazing efforts this year to help us raise funds to support FBB’s new North-West hub.
- Tell us about how you became involved with FBB
My son Freddie was on his gap year in 2019. He was 4 days away from coming home and was on his last trip on the Salt Flats in Bolivia. The jeep he was in hit a pot hole, the tyre burst, the car overturned and he and his friend Joe were killed on 9th June 2019. Freddie was passionate about Football, especially Liverpool FC. They won the Champions League just before Freddie died. I wanted to support a football charity and did a google search. FBB came up, so I called them, explained why we wanted to support them and discovered that Jasper had gone to the same school as Freddie- FBB were definitely the right fit for us.
- What is it about FBB that inspired you to go out and raise funds to support our work?
When we met the team and the young people, we were even more motivated to raise more funds. The summer projects that we witnessed were amazing. The staff made every single young person feel valued and we could see how transformational it was for the participants to have someone believing in them. The project was a fashion design one, and the winner would have their outfit made in the winter collection for Cyrus Christie’s sister’s fashion label. The artwork and talent was incredible. I also went to Chelsea training ground (in my Liverpool shirt) with the girls and had an amazing day meeting and chatting to the girls and witnessing their excitement when they met the Chelsea ladies team. I’ve been to Manchester and joined a session in Salford with the bright and engaging young people there. I’ve been to the Tottenham stadium for the FBB showcase- a highlight in what the young people can do and how they contribute to society with passion, energy and intelligence. There were so many participants there who spoke confidently and eloquently- sometimes it’s difficult to remember that the young people in front of me are the troubled ones who are at risk of exclusion.
- Do you have any tips for other fundraisers who might what to get involved?
Do something that ignites people’s passion. For us it’s engaging all our friends in activity, which makes them feel better and gets them outdoors. Freddie’s friends enjoy getting together and remembering him and the times they had together. Combining something that people enjoy with raising money is always going to be easier. Involving everyone in the challenge means that they can participate and I’m not just asking them for a donation. The option to contribute to the distance we aim for means that comes first and the donations seem to follow that.
- Who do you think might win the Euros this summer?
I hope it’s England, but I know how these things go…. I’ve seen too many tournaments and been disappointed too many times. But it’s a young team with lots of talent, so fingers crossed. I think if Schick scores goals like he did against Scotland, the Czech Republic could do really well. He made that goal look effortless! And I’m really pleased for Wales- especially for Gareth Bale, he’s such a great player and has spent too much time on the bench at Real Madrid and then Tottenham this season. He deserves some limelight and recognition. And I'm sad that Denmark has had such a terrible incident with the collapse of Christian Eriksen - the team must be devastated; I’m so glad he’s doing ok. From the FBB Family, we want to say thank you for the support you have shown us.If, like Miranda, you'd like to support us this Euros you can find out how to fundraise or donate on our website. Need some inspiration to start your own fundraising? Download our Euros fundraising pack here.

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